
The GModelFit.jl main purpose is to act as an high-level interface between the user and the underlying minimizer. Currently, two non-linear least squares minimizers are supported:

More minimizers may be added in the future.

To choose a specific minimizer use the minimizer= keyword when invoking the fit() function, e.g. minimizer=GModelFit.lsqfit() or minimizer=GModelFit.cmpfit(). If the keyword is not provided the lsqfit() minimizer is used.

There is also a dummy minimizer, GModelFit.dry(), whose purpose is to compare the model and the data, and to generate a FitStats object without modifying the model parameters. The dry minimizer is used by the compare() function.


using GModelFit
model = Model(:main => @fd (x, T=3.14) -> sin.(x ./ T) ./ (x ./ T))
data = GModelFit.mock(Measures, model, Domain(1:0.1:50), seed=1)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data, minimizer=GModelFit.lsqfit())


bestfit, stats = fit(model, data, minimizer=GModelFit.cmpfit())

The above minimizers typically provide the same results, although in some complex case the CMPFit may be more robust and less sensitive to initial guess parameters.

The cmpfit() minimizer

The cmpfit() minimizer allows to specify several options to fine-tune the minimizer behaviour. Specifically:

  • the CMPFit.Config structure allows to specify the convergence criteria, the maximum number of iterations, etc. (see the "CONFIGURING MPFIT()" section here;

  • the ftol_after_maxiter allows to specify a threshold on the relative difference in fit statistics before and after the mpfit() execution. If the latter terminates because the maximum number of iterations has been reached, and the relative difference in fit statistics is still greater than ftol_after_maxiter the minimization process will continue. E.g.:

    using GModelFit
    dom = Domain(1:0.1:50)
    model = Model(:main => @fd (x, T=3.14) -> sin.(x ./ T) ./ (x ./ T))
    data = GModelFit.mock(Measures, model, dom, seed=1)
    # Set minimizer options
    mzer = GModelFit.cmpfit()
    mzer.config.maxiter = 1
    mzer.ftol_after_maxiter = 1e-8
    # Run the fit
    model[:main].T.val = 10  # guess value, purposely far from true one
    bestfit, stats = fit(model, data, minimizer=mzer)
    Reached max. number of iteration but relative Δfitstat = 0.4467037509897797 > 1.0e-8, continue minimization...
    Reached max. number of iteration but relative Δfitstat = 0.3398651527027074 > 1.0e-8, continue minimization...
    Reached max. number of iteration but relative Δfitstat = 0.34271480181977343 > 1.0e-8, continue minimization...
    Reached max. number of iteration but relative Δfitstat = 0.3708010965597173 > 1.0e-8, continue minimization...
    Reached max. number of iteration but relative Δfitstat = 0.6716288838922451 > 1.0e-8, continue minimization...
    Reached max. number of iteration but relative Δfitstat = 0.601924729770853 > 1.0e-8, continue minimization...
    Reached max. number of iteration but relative Δfitstat = 0.018222103308912982 > 1.0e-8, continue minimization...
    Reached max. number of iteration but relative Δfitstat = 5.668182181168992e-6 > 1.0e-8, continue minimization...