Built-in components

The GModelFit.jl provides several built-in components which may be used to build arbitrarily complex models.


An offset and slope component for 1D and 2D domains.

The constructors are defined as follows:

  • 1D: GModelFit.OffsetSlope(offset, x0, slope);
  • 2D: GModelFit.OffsetSlope(offset, x0, y0, slopeX, slopeY);

The parameters are:

  • 1D:
    • offset::Parameter: a global offset;
    • x0::Parameter: the X coordinate of the point where the component equals offset. This parameter is fixed by default;
    • slope::Parameter: the slope of the linear function;
  • 2D:
    • offset::Parameter: a global offset;
    • x0::Parameter: the X coordinate of the point where the component equals offset. This parameter is fixed by default;
    • y0::Parameter: the Y coordinate of the point where the component equals offset. This parameter is fixed by default;
    • slopeX::Parameter (only 2D): the slope of the plane along the X direction;
    • slopeY::Parameter (only 2D): the slope of the plane along the Y direction;


using GModelFit

# Define a linear model using the OffsetSlope component
model = Model(:linear => GModelFit.OffsetSlope(2, 0, 0.5))

# Fit model against data
data = Measures([4.01, 7.58, 12.13, 19.78, 29.04], 0.4)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type            #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 linear     OffsetSlope_1D  2      42               2.056      26.96      14.51  0       

 Component  Type            Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 linear     OffsetSlope_1D  offset  -Inf:Inf      -4.17      2.361                
                            x0      -Inf:Inf          0   (fixed)                 
                            slope   -Inf:Inf      6.226     0.7119                
, Fit results: #data: 5, #free pars: 2, red. fit stat.:     31.671, Status: OK      

The best fit parameter values can be retrieved with:

println("Best fit values:")
println("b:  ", bestfit[:linear].offset.val, " ± ", bestfit[:linear].offset.unc)
println("m:  ", bestfit[:linear].slope.val , " ± ", bestfit[:linear].slope.unc)
Best fit values:
b:  -4.1699999993610115 ± 2.3609709866629576
m:  6.225999999809595 ± 0.7118595367099604

A similar example in 2D is as follows:

using GModelFit

# Define a linear model using the OffsetSlope component
model = Model(:plane => GModelFit.OffsetSlope(2, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5))

# Fit model against data
dom = CartesianDomain(1:5, 1:5)
data = Measures(dom, [ 3.08403  3.46719  4.07612  4.25611  5.04716
                       3.18361  3.88546  4.52338  5.12838  5.7864
                       3.80219  4.90894  5.24232  5.06982  6.29545
                       4.34554  4.68698  5.51505  5.69245  6.35409
                       4.643    5.91825  6.18011  6.67073  7.01467], 0.25)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type            #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 plane      OffsetSlope_2D  3      58               2.915      7.067      4.991  0       

 Component  Type            Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 plane      OffsetSlope_2D  offset  -Inf:Inf      1.877     0.1572                
                            x0      -Inf:Inf          0   (fixed)                 
                            y0      -Inf:Inf          0   (fixed)                 
                            slopeX  -Inf:Inf     0.5016    0.03514                
                            slopeY  -Inf:Inf     0.5366    0.03514                
, Fit results: #data: 25, #free pars: 3, red. fit stat.:    0.98794, Status: OK      


A n-th degree polynomial function (n > 1) for 1D domains.

The constructor is defined as follows:

  • GModelFit.Polynomial(p1, p2, ...); where p1, p2, etc. are the guess values for the coefficients of each degree of the polynomial.

The parameters are accessible as p0, p1, etc.


using GModelFit

# Define domain and a linear model using the Polynomial component
model = Model(GModelFit.Polynomial(2, 0.5))

# Fit model against data
data = Measures([4.01, 7.58, 12.13, 19.78, 29.04], 0.4)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type        #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 main       Polynomial  2      42               2.056      26.96      14.51  0       

 Component  Type        Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 main       Polynomial  p0      -Inf:Inf      -4.17      2.361                
                        p1      -Inf:Inf      6.226     0.7119                
, Fit results: #data: 5, #free pars: 2, red. fit stat.:     31.671, Status: OK      

Note that the numerical results are identical to the previous example involving the OffsetSlope component. Also note that the default name for a component (if none is provided) is :main. To use a 2nd degree polynomial we can simply replace the :main component with a new one:

model[:main] = GModelFit.Polynomial(2, 0.5, 1)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type        #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 main       Polynomial  3      65               4.125      29.03      14.51  0       

 Component  Type        Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 main       Polynomial  p0      -Inf:Inf       3.07     0.7208                
                        p1      -Inf:Inf    0.02029     0.5493                
                        p2      -Inf:Inf      1.034    0.08981                
, Fit results: #data: 5, #free pars: 3, red. fit stat.:    0.70582, Status: OK      


A normalized Gaussian component for 1D and 2D domains.

The constructors are defined as follows:

  • 1D: GModelFit.Gaussian(norm, center, sigma);
  • 2D: GModelFit.Gaussian(norm, centerX, centerY, sigma) (implies sigmaX=sigmaY, angle=0);
  • 2D: GModelFit.Gaussian(norm, centerX, centerY, sigmaX, sigmaY, angle);

The parameters are:

  • 1D:

    • norm::Parameter: the area below the Gaussian function;
    • center::Parameter: the location of the center of the Gaussian;
    • sigma::Parameter: the width the Gaussian;
  • 2D:

    • norm::Parameter: the volume below the Gaussian function;
    • centerX::Parameter: the X coordinate of the center of the Gaussian;
    • centerY::Parameter: the Y coordinate of the center of the Gaussian;
    • sigmaX::Parameter: the width the Gaussian along the X direction (when angle=0);
    • sigmaY::Parameter: the width the Gaussian along the Y direction (when angle=0);
    • angle::Parameter: the rotation angle (in degrees) of the Gaussian.


using GModelFit

# Define a model with a single Gaussian component
model = Model(GModelFit.Gaussian(1, 3, 0.5))

# Fit model against data
data = Measures([0, 0.3, 6.2, 25.4, 37.6, 23., 7.1, 0.4, 0], 0.6)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type         #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 main       Gaussian_1D  3      101            0.02924       37.6      11.17  0       

 Component  Type         Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 main       Gaussian_1D  norm    0:Inf         100.5      1.445                
                         center  -Inf:Inf      4.965    0.01772                
                         sigma   0:Inf         1.066    0.01766                
, Fit results: #data: 9, #free pars: 3, red. fit stat.:     1.0251, Status: OK      

A very common problem is to fit the histogram of a distribution with a Gaussian model. The following example shows how to fit such Gaussian model to a distribution generated with Random.randn, and how to plot the results using Gnuplot.jl:

using Random, GModelFit, Gnuplot

# Calculate histogram of the distribution
hh = hist(randn(10000), bs=0.25)

# Define domain and data and fit a model
dom = Domain(hist_bins(hh, side=:center, pad=false))
data = Measures(dom, hist_weights(hh, pad=false), 1.)
model = Model(GModelFit.Gaussian(1e3, 0, 1))
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type         #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 main       Gaussian_1D  3      58             0.02625      999.8        293  0       

 Component  Type         Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 main       Gaussian_1D  norm    0:Inf          2491      19.41                
                         center  -Inf:Inf  0.0007693   0.008927                
                         sigma   0:Inf        0.9922   0.008927                
, Fit results: #data: 34, #free pars: 3, red. fit stat.:     285.54, Status: OK      
@gp hh coords(dom) bestfit() "w l t 'Model' lw 3"

A similar problem in 2D can be handled as follows:

using Random, GModelFit, Gnuplot

# Calculate histogram of the distribution
hh = hist(1 .+ randn(10000), 2 .* randn(10000))

# Define domain and data and fit a model
dom = CartesianDomain(hist_bins(hh, 1), hist_bins(hh, 2))
data = Measures(dom, hist_weights(hh) .* 1., 1.)
model = Model(GModelFit.Gaussian(1e3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0))
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type         #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 main       Gaussian_2D  6      171          0.0007026      373.5      44.48  0       

 Component  Type         Param.   Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 main       Gaussian_2D  norm     0:Inf          4860      36.99                
                         centerX  -Inf:Inf      1.016   0.007681                
                         centerY  -Inf:Inf   -0.01685    0.01558                
                         sigmaX   0:Inf         2.048    0.01559                
                         sigmaY   0:Inf         1.009   0.007681                
                         angle    -Inf:Inf     -90.61     0.4013                
, Fit results: #data: 225, #free pars: 6, red. fit stat.:     54.314, Status: OK      


As anticipated in Basic concepts and data types any Julia function can be used as a component to evaluate. The corresponding component type is FComp, whose constructors are defined as follows:

FComp(funct::Function, deps=Symbol[]; par1=guess1, par2=guess2, ...)

In the first constructor funct is the Julia function, deps is a vector of dependencies (either the domain dimensions or other component names) and par1, par2 etc. are the named parameters with their corresponding initial guess values.


using GModelFit

# Define a simple Julia function to evaluate a linear relationship
myfunc(x, b, m) = b .+ x .* m

# Define a model with a `FComp` wrapping the previously defined function.
# Also specify the initial guess parameters.
model = Model(:linear => GModelFit.FComp(myfunc, [:x], b=2, m=0.5))

# Fit model against a data set
data = Measures([4.01, 7.58, 12.13, 19.78, 29.04], 0.4)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type   #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 linear     FComp  2      53               2.056      26.96      14.51  0       

 Component  Type   Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 linear     FComp  b       -Inf:Inf      -4.17      2.361                
                   m       -Inf:Inf      6.226     0.7119                
, Fit results: #data: 5, #free pars: 2, red. fit stat.:     31.671, Status: OK      

In the second constructor a GModelFit.FunctDesc object is accepted, as generated by the @fd macro). The function is typically a mathematical expression combining any number of parameters and/or other component evaluations within the same model. The expression should be given in the form:

@fd (x, [y, [further domain dimensions...],]
    [comp1, [comp2, [further components ...],]]
    [par1=guess1, [par2=guess2, [further parameters]]]) ->
    (mathematical expression)

where the mathematical expression returns a Vector{Float64} with the same length as the model domain.

The previous example can be rewritten as follows:

using GModelFit

# Define a linear model (with initial guess parameters)
model = Model(:linear => @fd (x, b=2, m=0.5) -> (b .+ x .* m))

# Fit model against data
data = Measures([4.01, 7.58, 12.13, 19.78, 29.04], 0.4)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type   #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 linear     FComp  2      53               2.056      26.96      14.51  0       

 Component  Type   Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 linear     FComp  b       -Inf:Inf      -4.17      2.361                
                   m       -Inf:Inf      6.226     0.7119                
, Fit results: #data: 5, #free pars: 2, red. fit stat.:     31.671, Status: OK      

Note that a FComp component can be added to a model without explicitly invoking its constructor when the @fd macro is used.

The evaluation of a FComp component may also involve the outcomes from other components. Continuing from previous example, whose fit was clearly a poor one, we may add a quadratic term to the previously defined linear component:

model[:quadratic] = @fd (x, linear, p2=1) -> (linear .+ p2 .* x.^2)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type   #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 quadratic  FComp  1      77               4.125      29.03      14.51  0       
 └─╴linear  FComp  2      77                3.09      3.171      3.131  0       

 Component  Type   Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 linear     FComp  b       -Inf:Inf       3.07     0.7208                
                   m       -Inf:Inf    0.02029     0.5493                
 quadratic  FComp  p2      -Inf:Inf      1.034    0.08981                
, Fit results: #data: 5, #free pars: 3, red. fit stat.:    0.70582, Status: OK      

The keywords given when defining the function are interpreted as component parameters, hence their properties can be retrieved with:

println("Best fit values:")
println("b:  ", bestfit[:linear].b.val    , " ± ", bestfit[:linear].b.unc)
println("m:  ", bestfit[:linear].m.val    , " ± ", bestfit[:linear].m.unc)
println("p2: ", bestfit[:quadratic].p2.val, " ± ", bestfit[:quadratic].p2.unc)
Best fit values:
b:  3.0699999992111633 ± 0.7207527811763804
m:  0.02028571492419867 ± 0.5492615451533973
p2: 1.0342857141828363 ± 0.0898138664922902


Just like FComp, also FCompv is a wrapper for a standard Julia function whose evaluation is performed using the function itself. However, FCompv parameters are passed to the function as a single vector of floats. The FCompv constructors are defined as follows:

FComp(funct::Function, guess::Vector{Float64})
FComp(funct::Function, deps::Vector{Symbol}, guess::Vector{Float64})

where funct is the Julia function, deps is an optional vector of dependencies (either the domain dimensions or other component names) and guess is a vector of initial guess values.


The following example shows how to estimate the vector x satisfying the linear equation Ax = b, where A and b are:

A = [1.43  2.17 -0.38
     0.21 -0.33 -1.71
    -1.23 -1.16  0.83
    -2.09  0.44  0.64]
b = [3.14, -8.48, 0.53, 0.54]

To define the model we will rewrite the equation as Ax - b = 0, and define a model as follows

model = Model(GModelFit.FCompv(x -> A*x - b,
                               [1, 1, 1]))

where x = [1, 1, 1] are the initial guess values for the three parameters in the fit. In this case the empirical data to compare the model to are just zeros, and we will assume a constant uncertainty of 1 for all samples:

data = Measures(fill(0., length(b)), 1.)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component  Type    #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 main       FCompv  3      57            -0.01477     0.1038    0.04577  0       

 Component  Type    Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 main       FCompv  p1      -Inf:Inf       1.52    0.06207                
                    p2      -Inf:Inf      1.328    0.05828                
                    p3      -Inf:Inf      4.871    0.07574                
, Fit results: #data: 4, #free pars: 3, red. fit stat.:   0.015942, Status: OK      


A component calculating the element-wise sum of a number of other components.

The SumReducer constructor is defined as follows:


where the Symbols represent the component names

The SumReducer component has no parameter.


using GModelFit

# Define domain and a linear model (with initial guess parameters)
model = Model(:linear => @fd (x, b=2, m=0.5) -> (b .+ x .* m))

# Add a quadratic component to the model
model[:quadratic] = @fd (x, p2=1) -> (p2 .* x.^2)

# The total model is the sum of `linear` and `quadratic`
model[:main] = SumReducer(:linear, :quadratic)

# Fit model against data
dom = Domain(1:5)
data = Measures(dom, [4.01, 7.58, 12.13, 19.78, 29.04], 0.4)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component     Type        #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 main          SumReducer         77               4.125      29.03      14.51  0       
 ├─╴linear     FComp       2      77                3.09      3.171      3.131  0       
 └─╴quadratic  FComp       1      77               1.034      25.86      11.38  0       

 Component  Type   Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 linear     FComp  b       -Inf:Inf       3.07     0.7208                
                   m       -Inf:Inf    0.02029     0.5493                
 quadratic  FComp  p2      -Inf:Inf      1.034    0.08981                
, Fit results: #data: 5, #free pars: 3, red. fit stat.:    0.70582, Status: OK      