Custom components

Besides the Built-in components, the user may define any number of custom components. The latter are structures satisfying the following constraints:

  • They must be structures inheriting from GModelFit.AbstractComponent;

  • The component parameters (if present) must be defined as fields with type Parameter, e.g.:

    struct MyComponent <: AbstractComponent

    Alternatively, the parameters may be specified as a single field of type OrderedDict{Symbol, Parameter} (see the Polynomial component for an example). The structure may also contain further fields of any type;

  • The GModelFit.evaluate! function should be extended with a dedicated method to evaluate the component, as shown below.

Optionally, the user may choose to extend also the following functions:

Note that before being evaluated, all components need to be wrapped into a GModelFit.CompEval structure, and that the above mentioned evaluate! function requires a CompEval object as first argument. The outcomes of the evaluations should be placed in CompEval.buffer.

The following example shows how to define a custom component:

using GModelFit
import GModelFit: prepare!, evaluate!

struct MyComponent <: GModelFit.AbstractComponent

    function MyComponent(param1)
        println(" -> call to MyComponent constructor;")

function prepare!(comp::MyComponent, domain::AbstractDomain)
    println(" -> call to prepare!()")
    return fill(NaN, length(domain)) # buffer for evaluations

function evaluate!(ceval::GModelFit.CompEval{MyComponent, <: AbstractDomain{1}},
    println(" -> call to evaluate!() with parameter value: ", param1)
    ceval.buffer .= param1

Life cycle of a component

The life cycle of a component is as follows:

  1. The component is created by invoking its constructor, and is added to a Model object;

  2. When the fit! function is invoked, all components in a Model are wrapped into GModelFit.CompEval objects;

    • During creation of the CompEval structure the GModelFit.prepare! function is invoked to allocate the proper buffer for evaluations. Note that the prepare! function is called only once for each fit! invocation, hence it is the perfect place to pre-compute quantities which will be used during the component evaluation;
  3. During the minimization process the GModelFit.evaluate! function is repeatedly invoked to evalute the component varying the parameter values until a convergence criterion is met.

The following example shows how to simulate the life cycle for the MyComponent structure defined above:

# Create a component and a domain for evaluation
comp = MyComponent(1)
dom = Domain(1:5)

# Create CompEval object (the `prepare!` function is invoked here):
ceval = GModelFit.CompEval(comp, dom)

# Repeated evaluations varying parameter value:
GModelFit.evaluate!(ceval, 1)
GModelFit.evaluate!(ceval, 2)
GModelFit.evaluate!(ceval, 3)

# Retrieve results
 -> call to MyComponent constructor;
 -> call to prepare!()
 -> call to evaluate!() with parameter value: 1
 -> call to evaluate!() with parameter value: 2
 -> call to evaluate!() with parameter value: 3
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]

The actual life cycle during minimization is slightly more complex since the evaluate! function is invoked only if a change in the parameter values with respect to previous evaluation has been detected.

Complete example

A common case is to compare empirical data with a numerically evaluated theoretical model, possibly defined on a different grid with respect to the empirical one. An interpolation is therefore required in order to compare the model to the data.

Let's assume the theoretical model is defined as follows:

theory_x = 0.:10
theory_y = [0, 0.841, 0.909, 0.141, -0.757, -0.959, -0.279, 0.657, 0.989, 0.412, -0.544]

while the empirical data are:

obs_x = [0.500, 2.071, 3.642, 5.212, 6.783, 8.354, 9.925]
obs_y = [2.048, 3.481, 1.060, 0.515, 3.220, 4.398, 1.808]

The following example shows how to implement a component which interpolates a theoretical model onto a specific empirical domain, with the only parameter being a global scaling factor:

using GModelFit, Interpolations
import GModelFit.prepare!, GModelFit.evaluate!

# Define the component structure and constructor
struct Interpolator <: GModelFit.AbstractComponent
    interp_y::Vector{Float64}  # will contain the interpolated values

    function Interpolator(theory_x, theory_y)
        scale = GModelFit.Parameter(1)
        scale.low = 0                  # ensure scale parameter is positive
        interp_y = Vector{Float64}()   # this will be populated in prepare!()
        return new(theory_x, theory_y, interp_y, scale)

# Component preparation: invoked only once to precompute quantities
# and allocate evaluation buffer
function prepare!(comp::Interpolator, domain::AbstractDomain{1})
    # Pre-compute interpolation on the empirical domain
    itp = linear_interpolation(comp.theory_x, comp.theory_y)
    append!(comp.interp_y, itp(coords(domain)))
    return fill(NaN, length(comp.interp_y)) # buffer for evaluations

# Component evaluation (apply scaling factor)
function evaluate!(ceval::GModelFit.CompEval{Interpolator, <: AbstractDomain{1}},
    ceval.buffer .= scale .* ceval.comp.interp_y

The following code shows how to prepare a Model including the interpolated theoretical model, and to take into account the possible background introduced by the detector used to obtain empirical data:

model = Model(:theory => Interpolator(theory_x, theory_y),
              :background => GModelFit.OffsetSlope(1., 0., 0.2),
              :main => SumReducer(:theory, :background))

data = Measures(Domain(obs_x), obs_y, 0.2)
bestfit, stats = fit(model, data)
 Component      Type                                       #Free  Eval. count  Min        Max        Mean       NaN/Inf 
 main           SumReducer                                        69              0.4323      4.278      2.361  0       
 ├─╴theory      Main.Interpolator  1      34              -1.694      1.777     0.2349  0       
 └─╴background  OffsetSlope_1D                             2      42               1.346      2.907      2.127  0       

 Component   Type                                       Param.  Range     Value      Uncert.    Actual  Patch 
 theory      Main.Interpolator  scale   0:Inf         2.079    0.09647                
 background  OffsetSlope_1D                             offset  -Inf:Inf      1.263     0.1182                
                                                        x0      -Inf:Inf          0   (fixed)                 
                                                        slope   -Inf:Inf     0.1656    0.01913                
, Fit results: #data: 7, #free pars: 3, red. fit stat.:    0.60105, Status: OK      